Moldova, Europe
4,1 million inhabitants
Literacy: 99,1%
Following higher education: unknown
State universities: 16
Tuition for 1 year at state university: 430 Euro / 550 US Dollars
GDP per capita: 1.950 Euro / 2.500 US Dollars
Life expectancy at birth: 71,3 years
Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe, yet the country
has the highest European ranking when it comes to expenditures on education: 9,6% of GDP. Only 6 countries in the world have a higher percentage, including Lesotho, Cuba and the Maldives. This money didn’t help any of their colleges into the list of 700 best universities. Nevertheless the number of students per 10,000 inhabitants in Moldova has been constantly growing since the collapse of the Soviet Union, reaching 217 in 2000-2001, and 351 in 2005-2006.